Kongres Nowoczesnej Dystrybucji
26.05.2025 r.

5th edition of The Modern Distribution Congress

The Congress of Modern Distribution is a unique event on the conference map of Poland. Its prestigious character is ensured by the participation of the presidents of key international retail chains operating in Poland and FMCG concerns, who will set strategic directions for the development of the trade sector, taking into account current trends. The Congress is also a platform for dialogue with representatives of the government and state administration, exchange of experience with market leaders, discourse with prominent experts and the establishment of lasting relationships with business partners.

During the Congress, we will take a particular look at the new reality facing the retail sector, the ongoing macroeconomic changes and the challenges facing the digitization of the industry. With the involvement of Poland’s largest retail chains, e-commerce, retailers, shopping centers, manufacturers, logistics representatives, pro-eko entities, expert institutions and companies offering services and modern technologies for retail, expect a meeting, and debates at the highest substantive level.

Uniqueness of the Congress

Presidents of the largest trade concerns as speakers
Management staff implementing new technologies in networks
Representatives of governmental administration

Key issues

ikona zagadnienia


ikona zagadnienia


ikona zagadnienia

market consolidation

ikona zagadnienia

and digital transformation


ikona zagadnienia

the new generation of consumers

ikona zagadnienia

business relations

Ramowy zakres tematyczny nadchodzącej edycji:

  • Wyzwania związane z wpływem gospodarki na sektor handlowy
  • Optymalizacja procesów back office z wykorzystaniem AI
  • Procesy legislacyjne i ich oddziaływanie na branżę handlową
  • Największe wyzwania związane z systemem kaucyjnym
  • Omnichannel i badanie wyborów konsumenckich z użyciem technologii


  • Wypracowanie i adaptacja odpowiednich modeli biznesowych
  • Prośrodowiskowe strategie branży i dążenie handlu do zeroemisyjności
  • Zwiększenie widoczności łańcucha dostaw poprzez wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji
  • Personalizacja i segmentacja klientów, czyli zmagania z utrzymaniem klienta
  • Nowe technologie płatności, BNPL, seamless payment i ich wpływ na wybory konsumenckie

Speakers of the 5th edition of the Modern Distribution Congress


Renata Juszkiewicz

Chairman of the Modern Distribution Congress Advisory Board, President of the Management Board of POHiD, Vice President of EuroCommerce

Renata Juszkiewicz

President of the Management Board of POHiD, Vice President of EuroCommerce

Waldemar Buda

Minister of Development and Technology
in 2022–2023

Artur Soboń

Minister of State in
2022-2023, Ministry of Finance

Małgorzata Cichecka

Advanced Analytics Director, NielsenIQ,

Karol Czech

Shopper Activation & Category Development Director, FoodWell

Marina Dubakina

Country Retail Manager & Chief Sustainability Officer, Member of the Board, IKEA Retail

Włodzimierz Wlaźlak

President of the Management Board, Lidl Polska

Grupa Docelowa

  • Retail chains
  • Retailers
  • Wholesalers and distributors
  • Producers cooperating with retail chains
  • Providers of technological solutions and services for retail
  • Payments & financial services


  • e-commerce
  • Managers and tenants of shopping centers
  • Innovative marketing for retail
  • Logistics and storage
  • Administrative policy makers and analysts



The Modern Distribution Congress is a place where we must find common solutions for the industry, focus on the skills of bridge-building and tighten cooperation between business partners in such a way that this cooperation would become an added value and enrich both parties.

Marek Szeib
Former CEO, Auchan Polska

The Modern Distribution Congress

Marek Szeib
Former CEO, Auchan Polska

The Modern Distribution Congress is a place where we must find common solutions for the industry, focus on the skills of bridge-building and tighten cooperation between business partners in such a way that this cooperation would become an added value and enrich both parties.
The Modern Distribution Congress is an important event for the trade, processing and related sectors. We want to present strategic directions of activity, further development of the chain and processing as well as the common challenge of the transformation into digital.

Renata Juszkiewicz
President, POHiD

The Modern Distribution Congress

Renata Juszkiewicz
President, POHiD

The Modern Distribution Congress is an important event for the trade, processing and related sectors. We want to present strategic directions of activity, further development of the chain and processing as well as the common challenge of the transformation into digital.
An interesting issue for discussion during the Modern Distribution Congress will be the future of retail chains and the direction of their development, especially in view of changes in consumer behaviour.

prof. Tomasz Domański
University of Lodz

The Modern Distribution Congress

prof. Tomasz Domański
University of Lodz

An interesting issue for discussion during the Modern Distribution Congress will be the future of retail chains and the direction of their development, especially in view of changes in consumer behaviour.
The Modern Distribution Congress is a place worth meeting in.

prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński
President, ALK

The Modern Distribution Congress

prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński
President, ALK

The Modern Distribution Congress is a place worth meeting in.
The Modern Distribution Congress


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Fundacja Nowoczesnej Dystrybucji actively supports the development of the market economy, trade and distribution of consumer goods, by, among others, dissemination of solutions for the modernization of the sector. The Foundation undertakes actions to support the positive image of modern trade and distribution, conducts research and development, information, as well as education activities.
